

Program of regular classes / Elective special classes / Class schedule

2 year general course aims to pass the JLPT / N1. One and a half years general course aims to pass the JLPT / N2.

Regular Program

  • 2 years general course (Enrollment in April, Graduation in March of the year after next)
  • One and a half years general course (Enrollment in October, Graduation in March of the year after next)

Contents of Regular Program

2 years general course: 1,600 hours

One and a half years general course: 1,200 hours

Common Curriculum
(Basic I & II, Basic-intermediate, Intermediate I & II)

Basic(N5-N4 Level)

I.Able to acquire the basics of the Japanese language including written Japanese. Able to understand and respond to the sentences often seen and heard in daily life as well as the conversation slowly spoken.
II. Able to acquire the vocabulary and kanji, etc. often used in daily life and able to understand and respond to the conversation spoken a little slowly and the familiar topics.

  • ・ Able to understand the basic sentence patterns and grammar.
  • ・ Able to understand hiragana, katakana and basic kanji used in daily life.
  • ・ Able to catch the necessary information from the conversation that is spoken slowly in daily life, for example, in the classroom.
  • ・ Able to read and understand sentences about familiar topics in daily life.


Able to understand the Japanese language used in daily scenes, spoken at a little near- natural speed and the specific contents of the daily topics, and exchange simple comments. (N3 Level)

  • ・ Able to talk and write about the experiences and the events in an organized way
  • ・ Able to catch the outline of the articles from the newspaper headlines
  • ・ Able to exchange comments on simple social topics.

Intermediate (N2 Level)

I. Able to increase the vocabulary, kanji, grammar, etc. so as to be able to understand the Japanese language not only in a daily life but also in broader range of categories and keep up with the conversation at a little near-natural speed (First half of N2 Level)
II. Able to understand the sentences/texts about broader range of topics and the Japanese language at near-natural speed and use them so as to develop logical writing skill (Second half of N2 Level)

  • ・ Able to understand the contents of the newspapers, the magazines and the plain criticisms
  • ・Able to understand the gist of the conversation and the news at near-natural speed
  • ・Develop the ability to write and speak logically

2 Years General Course (Enrollment in April, Graduation in March of the year after next)
Advanced I, II & III after completion of common curriculum (Basic I & II, Basic-Intermediate, Intermediate I & II)

Advanced(N1 Level)

Ⅰ. Able to improve vocabulary, etc., understand highly abstract Japanese and keep up with the Japanese spoken at the natural speed.
II. Able to understand the Japanese language spoken at the natural speed in a broad range of categories and the abstract and complex sentences and respond logically.
III. Able to brush up on the knowledge acquired so far and respond practically.

  • ・Able to understand the structure and the content of the highly abstract sentences with logical complexity such as newspaper editorials and criticisms
  • ・Able to understand the story, the detailed expressions and the intentions of the reading materials with depth
  • ・Able to understand and catch the points of the conversation and the news at natural speed in broad scenes
  • ・Able to read the academic articles, organize your thoughts and write a report

One and A Half Years General Course (Enrollment in October, Graduation in March of the year after next)
Intermediate-Advanced after completion of common curriculum (Basic I & II, Basic-Intermediate, Intermediate I & II)

Intermediate-Advanced(First half of N1 Level)

Able to respond more practically, for example, understand the Japanese language spoken in a broad range of categories at natural speed while learning N1 level grammar

  • ・Able to acquire N1 level kanji, grammar and vocabulary, and understand the structure/contents of the sentences of the newspaper editorials and criticisms
  • ・Able to understand and catch the points of the conversation and the news at natural speed in broad scenes
  • ・Able to organize your thoughts logically

Class Schedule

Elective Special Classes for All Courses
(May-November the year after enrollment: 100 hours)

Reinforcement for higher education: preparation for EJU elective subjects, interview and application guidance, etc.
Reinforcement for finding a job: industry research, business etiquette, interview and how to make an application, etc.

Student’s Daily Life

*8:50-16:55 (Outside of classes)
Many students self-study at the school for higher education or finding a job.
Saturday 9:00-17:00 Part-time job
Sunday Off
*The part-time job hours must be less than 28 hours a week.

Part-time Job Support

You will be able to find a part-time job that suits your Japanese proficiency even if you can’t speak Japanese well yet as you have just come to Japan.

For basic level of Japanese … Food Factory, Logistics Warehouse, Assembly Line, etc.
For basic-intermediate level of Japanese and above...Waiter/Waitress, Convenience Store, etc.